Kitty drinking from her glass at the wedding luncheon.
S grandkids (plus my brother G)
Another picture of the S grandkids
D and K cutting the wedding cake
Kitty fell asleep after she fell and hit her cheek really hard on a chair at the reception.
Blondie didn't want to dance at first, but then she really got into it.
Luke finally agreed to dance with M&M just before we left.
Blondie (far left) and Kitty (far right) asleep at Grandpa W's house.
M&M & her dad on the 4-wheeler.
Luke on the 4-wheeler (the first time he climbed on to go for a ride he burned his leg on the hot engine!)
Luke roasting a marshmallow
Grandma N with cousin L (almost 2 months old in this picture)
Cousin M with her birthday cake. Happy 1st Birthday!
Kitty giving her dad a present on Father's Day.
The children's exhibit at the Church's History Museum
Blondie & cousin J pushing each other on the swings.
Slip 'n slide at Grandma & Grandpa's house.
My kids with my sister A's kids after our hike in Big Cottonwood Canyon.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Posted by Steph at 6/25/2007 03:26:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: family, Father's Day
Busy month!
I have not been blogging much this month because there has been so much happening!
Here is a brief summary of the last 2 weeks (more pictures to follow):
Tuesday, June 12 - Finish up the dresses for my nieces for the wedding. My parents come to watch the kids while DH & I attend an adults-only dinner at the bishop's house.
Wednesday, June 13 - Finish Blondie's dress (I took out the zipper & redid it because I didn't like how it turned out the first time). Get the house ready for company. Tan & family arrive around lunchtime. Mom & Dad N arrive in the evening.
Thursday, June 14 - S & family arrive around dinnertime. Attend a session at the temple with family. Pack for wedding & family reunion.
Friday, June 15 - Wake up early and leave for Idaho Falls (leave all of DH's family at our house). Attend wedding luncheon, sealing and then reception for my brother D & his wife K. Leave after the reception to drive down to Perry, UT for the White family reunion. (Find out that nephew C threw up in the car the whole way up to the reunion and for a while after arriving at Grandpa W's house! Poor C - & parents!) Thanks to everyone who set up our tent for us so we were able to put the kids to bed relatively easily (since we didn't arrive until about 10:30 p.m.)
Saturday, June 16 - Participate in family reunion activities. Go swimming at grandma & grandpa's hotel pool (it was an incredibly hot weekend - highs near 100!) Clark was feeling better but then after dinner at Maddox's, Tan got sick! When we got back from dinner Blondie & Kitty were fast asleep on the couch in the house. We were able to carry them to the tent asleep but they woke up again about an hour later, oh well. The kids were given some glow bracelets that they could make necklaces out of (thanks to grandma n). Then we had some s'mores followed by a brief wind/thunder & lighting storm. M&M was freaking out from the wind blowing the sides of the tent, but thankfully it didn't last too long.
Sunday, June 17 - Family testimony meeting & then lunch (Tan is feeling better but C starts throwing up again). We left the reunion after lunch and traveled back to our house. After we unloaded the car, the kids & I drove to my parent's house for dinner. DH stayed at home to spend some more time with his family. It was my niece M's first birthday so we had some cake & ice cream & presents to celebrate it. Came back to our house and gave dad & grandpa some father's day presents.
Monday, June 18 - Tan & family leave super early to catch their flight back to VA. The kids & I meet my family downtown at the church family history museum. DH stays at home to spend some time with his parents before they leave later that day. Visit the conference center & eat lunch at the ZCMI mall. Go back home to say goodbye to grandma & grandpa n. Drive to my parents' for dinner.
Tuesday, June 19 - Do some shopping for DH's birthday. Drive to my parent's house and spend some time playing in the water out back. DH stops on his way home from work for dinner. Drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon a little and stop for a short hike. Have some cake for DH's birthday back at my parent's house.
Wednesday, June 20 - My brother G & family leave.
Thursday, June 21 - Drive my parents to the airport (they flew to Coeur d'Alene for my brother's open house on Friday). Work in the garden.
Friday, June 22 - Watch my niece J while her parents & sister climb to the Timpanogos caves. Do some grocery shopping. Go swimming with A's family & M at a pool near my parents' home. Eat pizza for dinner at my parent's house.
Saturday, June 23 - A & family leave.
Posted by Steph at 6/25/2007 02:50:00 PM 0 comments
Slip 'n Slide
Saturday, June 2, 2007
I bought this slip 'n slide a few weeks ago and pulled it out on a hot Saturday afternoon. The kids had a blast!
Kitty & Blondie weren't too crazy about the sliding part so they would run down the slide through the sprinklers or Kitty liked to stand at the end and hold her hand out to get wet!
Afterwards, Kitty & Blondie were just plain tired out! When I came back inside from helping DH out in the garden, both of them were asleep on the family room floor.
Posted by Steph at 6/25/2007 02:15:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: kids, sleeping kids
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Here is one of my miniature rose bushes in full bloom. I planted 3 of them about 3 years ago. One of them didn't survive and the last one isn't nearly as big as this one. My big rose bush isn't blooming yet but it's close.
Posted by Steph at 6/02/2007 01:05:00 PM 0 comments
End of the School Year
We are approaching the end of the school year for M&M & Luke. Luke's last day is Tuesday & M&M's last day is Wednesday. M&M's class had an awards program on Thursday afternoon & all of the kindergarten classes in the school (seven of them) put on a combined end of the year program with singing & reciting poems together. M&M received numerous awards in her class: Perfect Attendance (a first for us), Reading Awards, Math Awards & an award for completing 10 projects/goals throughout the school year. This is M&M with her 2 teachers, Mrs. Smith on the left & Mrs. Bateman.
Luke unfortunately was on the very front row for the kindergarten performance and we couldn't see him where we were seated in the gym. I was able to get some video by standing up at the side wall and then sitting on the floor in the front. He was a very animated singer and it was fun to watch him really get into the songs. Luke's teacher, Mrs. Bibo, commented to me on how well Luke did & that he really sang his heart out. Then as we were leaving the school another parent that doesn't even know us saw Luke and then said to me that he really enjoyed watching my son during the performance.
Posted by Steph at 6/02/2007 11:58:00 AM 1 comments
Baby bird
On Thursday I went outside to water our garden and noticed a bird fly away quickly and some movement & noise where the bird had been. When I got a little closer I noticed that there was a baby bird sitting there in the corner of the garden. It was not a really young baby because it had a lot of feathers already and looked a little "plump". I have no idea where it can from because there are no trees nearby that could house a bird nest. I watched throughout the day and saw the mother bird (a Robin) numerous times flying down to feed the baby. A little later on it had moved to the other side of the garden gate so it was in the front yard and then a little later it was back where I had first seen it. On Friday it had moved to another corner of the garden and I haven't seen it today at all. I hope that it is still alive and that it was able to fly away at last...
Posted by Steph at 6/02/2007 11:43:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spring