Monday, December 21, 2009

Sounds of the Season 2009

Right after we got back into town after our Thanksgiving trip, it was back to being busy, busy, busy! This year I played in the orchestra again for the Sounds of the Season concert and we did two performances this year. We had a four hour dress rehearsal on Wednesday and then on Thursday and Saturday we had our concerts. It is fun to be able to participate in this event each year and despite the work and time involved I am grateful for the experience. It is also fun having my parents sing in the choir.

This year I had quite a few numbers with some solo flute parts and I was also asked to head up the orchestra again - meaning that I got to be the messenger between the choir director and the orchestra members. Because of some scheduling conflicts and DH still being sick, only M&M and Blondie were able to come to the concert this year. I sat them right up front and it was fun hearing them talk about their favorite parts of the concert on the drive home.