Friday, February 24, 2012

Family sickness

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The week after Luke's birthday our family came down with a nasty stomach bug. The only one who didn't seem affected at all was M&M - and lucky for her because she was involved in the tech crew for her school musical and the performances were that week. Here is a picture of Kay and MJ on our worst sickness day:
I had been up during the night with stomach cramps and then felt horrible Tuesday morning. When the little girls woke up, DH went in to get them out of bed and discovered that MJ and Kay had both thrown up in their beds during the night. Since I was sick (and at the low point in my blood counts from chemo treatment), I wasn't able to help much with them. DH spent the morning bathing the girls and changing all of their bedding. The girls and I spent the whole day just laying around in front of the T.V. Blondie came home and didn't feel great and took a short nap but was feeling well enough to go to school the next day. Luke felt bad later that night and threw up right before he went to bed. Luke and Kitty ended up staying home from school the next day and DH stayed home from work feeling not too good on Wednesday and Friday.