Monday, March 5, 2012

MJ update

MJ was super whiny for almost a week after she recovered from the first sickness that went through our family. DH stayed home with her from church on Sunday while the rest of us attended. Finally once she got over her whiny mood turned into an absolute goofball. She has developed a super silly, almost maniac sounding laugh that just makes us smile when we hear it. Hopefully we can get it on video soon. At the same time she is a super impatient child and will sit there and just yell for something until she gets it. She also is very particular about what shows she lets us watch on T.V. If it is a show that she doesn't want to watch she will bring someone the remote and keep yelling "no" until the show is changed. She has a horrible temper and has started showing jealousy, especially towards Kay who is an absolute sweatheart. If Kay is playing with something or MJ sees me giving something to Kay, MJ will try and take it away or throw a fit until she gets it. And she doesn't even necessarily want what Kay has, she just doesn't want Kay to have it!

MJ is talking up a storm. She loves to repeat what everyone says and she gets a big smile on her face when she says something right. The funniest is when I am yelling for one of her siblings and she will start yelling for them as well. She also is learning some of the letters of the alphabet and will go around trying to identify letters that she sees. She probably gets them right about 20% of the time right now, but it's fun to see.

MJ loves my ipad and thinks that it is her personal toy. This causes problems, especially when I am trying to get something done on it - like updating my blogs... Sometimes she will throw an absolute fit when I have my ipad and won't let her play with it. I used to take it to church with me to use in place of my scriptures and manuals, but now it is too much of a pain because she will go crazy if she sees it.

The frustrating thing is that she is a super, super cute kid and can be really sweet when she wants to be. She has a super cute smile and her eyes twinkle when she is happy. Hopefully we will get to see more of that twinkle now that we are over our second round of sicknesses, I just need to find a way to get her to control her temper!