Thursday, September 12, 2013

Independence Day 2013

Thursday, July 4

We started out our day with the neighborhood parade again.  This year Luke, Blondie, Kitty and Kay all rode their bikes and M&M pushed MJ in the stroller.  I walked alongside to help Kay out since she still has training wheels.  I was a bit nervous with Kitty riding her bike since she had just learned to ride a two wheeler, but she did just fine.  It turns out that Blondie took a spill and scraped up her knee - which you can see in the picture!

After the parade and pancake breakfast, we came home and filled up the pools for some afternoon water fun. 
After dinner we were debating whether to try and go to a fireworks show or not.  With the way that MJ reacted to our home fireworks, I was not sure if she could handle a professional show.  After some deliberating we decided to try the Sandy City fireworks.  I brought some activities and treats for the kids and some earplugs and some ear protection headphones that DH uses when he does some of the yard work.  I was also prepared to make a quick escape to the car if needed.

After we got to the fireworks location we found a place to sit and the kids were playing some games when all of a sudden we recognized a group of people walking our direction.  It was two families from our ward that we are good friends with.  We ended up moving our blankets closer together to make room for them.  It turned out really nicely because one of the families has two kids that are good friends with M&M and Luke.
Kay posing for the camera with the headphones on.
MJ decked out with her glow sticks and headphones on.  Ready (or not) for the show to begin.
When they turned the lights off to prepare for the show to begin, I grabbed MJ and put her on my lap.  She was not excited at all about the fireworks but with the headphones on and my hands over top of them, I think she was surprised when the first fireworks were shot off and she hardly heard anything!  She sat there calmly on my lap the whole time and about halfway through the show she fell asleep!  Yea!!!

Afterwards it was pretty quick getting out of the parking lot and a short drive home!  Success!!