Monday, September 28, 2015

MJ talk

My parents have a lot of bird feeders at their house that they keep in their backyard. One morning in the spring the birds were being really noisy outside and I said to MJ, "Do you hear the birds?"  She paused for a moment to listen to them and then she said, "Yes, should I tell them the food is at Grandma's house?"  (It was the funniest thing!)

One night MJ was having a hard time actually going to bed and going to sleep. This is the conversation that we had:
MJ: I can't go to sleep.

Me: Why not?

MJ: Because my arm is too exhausted to pull my blankets up.

One evening we had french toast for dinner and while tucking her into bed MJ said, "I wish I could have french toast everyday... because I love french toast."