Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lots of helpers!

Today DH & I went to the dry pack cannery to can some more food for our food storage. When we got home we decided that we needed to reorganize our food storage so we can better access the food for rotation. At first we would do it all ourselves but then we thought, certainly M&M & Luke can help move the cans around for us as well. The next thing we knew, Kitty came down to help too and then Blondie joined us.

It was really cute because even little Kitty wanted to carry the cans from our storage room to the "clubhouse" so we could organize them (and some of the cans are pretty heavy). We ended up having to make assignments for the kids because they kept getting into each other's way and fighting over the cans. We assigned Blondie & Kitty to carry the cans to the clubhouse and then M&M & Luke would organize the cans into piles according to what was in them.

It's funny how things that look like hard work can end up being fun for kids...