Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One reason

Here is one of the reasons why I wish that Baby K was walking on her own:

She is ruining all of her clothes by crawling around outside!!
And, if she is wearing shorts & no socks or shoes she ends up with red knees and feet!When she is not wearing pants she does a funny bear crawl to keep her knees off of the ground (it was hard to get a good picture of it). She also does this when she is wearing a dress so that her knees don't catch on it. Poor girls and the things they have to put up with - even at a young age!!Baby K is VERY close to walking, she just has to get her confidence up. She takes little steps here and there and can get herself to the standing position without using anything to pull herself up. It is really funny to walk into a room and see her just standing there in the middle of it with nothing around her.
Here she is standing up outside without help.
And she loves to pick my flowers!! Here she is trying to hand one to me that she has picked!