Thursday, November 17, 2011

MJ growing up

MJ has had to do a lot of growing up, very quickly lately. She has adapted much better to everything than we ever thought she would. She still whines quite a bit, but she is learning to talk more and that helps everyone all the way around as she learns to communicate better. Since I had to quickly wean her, she has switched over to solids very well and loves to eat a lot of different foods now. She usually gets the most whiny when she is hungry, which especially seems to happen right around 5:30 every evening. Usually while I am getting dinner ready she is at my feet in the kitchen whining for something to eat. She has loved a lot of the meals that have been brought to us over the last several weeks and quite often will eat more than the older kids. (For some reason she doesn't like jello though!) Unfortunately she has been a little more whiny than usual the last week or so because she is cutting her first set of molars and you can tell that her mouth just hurts...

She's also turned over a sweet side which shows itself more often. She used to not ever hug at all and now she can give good hugs when she is in the mood. Usually when her dad comes home she'll say his name and say hi to him. Sometimes she'll go up to him and throw her arms around his legs, wanting to be picked up. She also has a really cute smile where she scrunches up her nose and grins.

MJ is getting better at taking naps and being put down to sleep for the night. Sometimes after lunch I will try and sit down with the two girls and turn a movie or kids' show on and see if I can get MJ to fall asleep in my arms. Usually if it doesn't work by about 2:00 I'll just go put her in bed and she's usually okay with it. She definitely does not last the day if she doesn't get in a nap though. She does have a mean side about her though and will hit and head butt because she thinks it is funny...

MJ is also a total gadget girl. She throws a fit if she sees my ipad and I don't let her play with it. She also throws a fit if I don't let her sit on my lap and bang on the computer while I am trying to work on it or one of the kids is trying to play a video game and she wants to push the buttons. It makes things quite difficult at times...

MJ has also learned how to climb in the last month or two. She can now climb up on the kitchen chairs and occasionally will try and get from the chair onto the table (and thinks it is funny).

Here are some of the words that she will say now:

pease - for please
pitty - for pretty (she will say this when she puts a necklace on herself or when she brushes her hair)
bup - for up
buckle - when she gets buckled into her car seat
fishy - fish crackers
bop - for stop
baby - she says it with a really high pitched voice
ank you - thank you
nigh nigh - for good night
poopy - she has started saying this lately when I am changing her diaper
beep beep - what she says when she sees someone's belly

She also knows animal sounds for kitty, dog, bunny (she says hop, hop), frog (she sticks out her tongue), sheep, cow.


Vonae said...

Wow- she is really talking. I think that is a great help. I'm glad that she is taking to eating food for you.