Monday, May 6, 2013

Kid talk

Polka-nuts - This is what MJ calls polka dots (sounds like a combination of polka dots and coconuts)

Stranger cheese - This is what MJ calls string cheese

One day I asked Blondie to turn on the bath water and tell MJ and Kay that they were going to take a bath.  When Blondie told MJ, MJ ran to the top of the stairs and said, "Mommy, did you say so?!?"  She was very excited to be getting into the tub!

Kay at the kitchen table when she spilled something:  "That was just an accident on purpose."

When MJ was sick with a stomach bug she called throwing up spitting.  When she was getting ready to throw up she would start to say, "Mom, I'm spitting."  That's when I knew I needed to quickly find something for her to throw up in.

One of the nights that I was up with MJ when she was sick we were sitting on the couch together and I asked her how she was doing.  Her response was, "I'm a little freaking out."

When we were dying Easter eggs for Easter this year, MJ was watching the egg that she had put into the dye solution and she said, "The egg is taking a little drink."

One day I was sitting at the computer doing something and MJ came up to me and said, "Mom, ya know, you're actually pretty."