Monday, July 8, 2013

Piano recital 2013

Thursday, May 30

Luke, Blondie and Kitty had their piano recital this evening.  The schedule worked out perfectly because we had no soccer games or other concerts that evening!  Luke played Cristofori's Dream by David Lanz.  It is a very difficult song and I was concerned if he would be able to learn it in time - or if he would even want to.  His piano teacher cut out a couple of pages of it because it was so long and difficult, but Luke decided to surprise her and he learned and memorized the whole thing - cut pages and all - and played it for her at one of his lessons!  I was quite impressed!  He did really well at the recital until he got to one spot where he all of a sudden forgot where he was.  He was able to pick it up again though without looking at any music.  He really wants to quit taking lessons, but I don't want him to!  I think he could be really good if he sticks to it!

This was Kitty's first recital and she was a little nervous but did a good job as well.  She told me that she felt relieved after she was finished!  Blondie also did well and enjoys taking lessons.

M&M did not take lessons this year - partly because her schedule was super crazy in the fall with marching band.  She has continued to practice on her own though and has taught herself the song Waterfall by Jon Schmidt and is trying to learn a number of the hymns from the hymnbook.