Monday, April 17, 2006

Spring is here??

Well, after last week in which we had beautiful, spring-like weather, it is snowing! M&M had to go back on-track today and I just assumed that the day would once again be beautiful. Well, we opened the door to see her off to the bus stop and it was starting to snow. Just a light flurry at first, but now it is snowing pretty good and we probably have at least an inch of snow already on the ground. So much for spring!!

Spring flowers in the snow!

I have been waiting for Kitty to wake up since it is her birthday today and she is still sleeping (it is almost 10 a.m.). She NEVER sleeps this late. I guess she is catching up on all of the naps that she misses during the week (she is by far our lightest sleeper). I can't believe that she is already 1!! Time sure flies!

The girls all looked cute in their Easter dresses yesterday. I was able to sew all three of them in less than a week! I'm still surprised that I was able to get them done. Blondie absolutely LOVED her dress. She is 100% girl and has decided lately that all she wants to do is wear dresses. Her dress was the first one that I finished (on Wednesday) and every day after that she had to "try" it on 2 or 3 times. She then would walk around the house twirling around and asking everybody if they liked her beautiful dress. She was so excited to wear it to church yesterday. Kitty had a hard time in her dress because she kept stepping on it when she was trying to stand up and would get frustrated. M&M looked very grown-up in hers and I think she really liked the style of it.


Cherylyn said...

I can't believe it is still snowing! Great job on those dresses! The girls looked beautiful in them!