Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day at the beach

Well, not quite, but this is about as close as you can get to one here in the Salt Lake area. On Saturday, DH & his parents took the kids to the Great Salt Lake. This is the first time that DH and the kids have been there (and it's been a long time since I have been there) so we weren't quite sure what to expect. All I remember about it is that the water is VERY salty (you can't sink) and there is a very strong, almost overpowering smell of salt. I stayed home with Baby K to get some things ready for the luncheon for her baby blessing on Sunday and I wasn't sure it would be much fun for either of us. They ended up being gone a lot longer than I expected because they had a BLAST there. The kids were just dressed in pants & T-shirts & wore flip-flops because we thought they might want to get out and walk along the sandy shore. Well, it turns out that they all ended up practically swimming in the water. When they pulled up to the house I was in the middle of cooking dinner but I had to quickly put that on hold so that I could get everyone in the shower or bath to clean the salt off of them. One of the bad parts about playing in the Great Salt Lake is that the water is so salty and once that dries on the skin it causes the skin to become really dry and itchy sometimes (not very comfortable at all). I had to throw everyones clothes in the wash because they were completely wet! DH says that we will have to go again sometime and take the kids in their swimsuits & bring towels. There are some outdoor showers there to rinse off in but DH didn't want to shower their clothes for some reason...

Here is some video that DH took. Sorry it's pretty choppy - I will try and see if I can get a better version up soon...