Monday, May 5, 2008

First trip to church

Yesterday Baby K & I finally made it to church for Sacrament Meeting. I tried to go the week before but ended up still nursing her by the time we needed to leave and no sign of letting up. Since Sacrament Meeting is last in our ward I got everyone else up and dressed and out of the door before 9 a.m. I was then able to lay Baby K down & take a shower. Then I got us both dressed & ready to go before I gave her a final feeding. Since DH had taken everyone else in the van I had to walk (luckily our chapel is only about 2 blocks away). So I got her well fed and then threw her in the baby sling and headed out the door. I thought for sure that she would be asleep by the time I got to church but she wasn't. She was still wide eyed (but drowsy looking) when we got there. Junior primary was just coming out of the primary room so I watched for Blondie & Luke. Blondie was so excited to see me. She called out, "Mom! And you brought Baby K!" The kids think it's a lot of fun to be able to take Baby K places...

Thankfully I was able to get Baby K asleep by patting her on the back once we made it into the chapel and amazingly she stayed asleep the whole time! (A couple of times she started squirming around like she was going to wake up but I managed to keep her asleep.) It was definitely harder to manage the other kids without waking her up but somehow we managed. And we are realizing that our family is definitely getting too big for a side bench now...

After we got home from church Baby K still stayed asleep in the sling for a good 1 1/2 hours more. It was great! I was able to get all of the dinner ready & in the oven plus do a few other things. After she woke up I fed her and then she was still awake so I decided to get a picture of all the kids together (this is the first one we've taken since Baby K was born). There was a little bit of an argument over who got to hold the baby in the picture so we took turns and we have picture of each of them holding the baby.Baby K stayed awake in her bouncer chair during dinner (usually she is crying or I am feeding her at dinner time) and then a little later we went over to my parents' for dessert and to help my sister M with her wedding invitations. I think that yesterday was the best day that I have had with Baby K since she was born. She nursed great all day long, took some good naps and had several awake & alert periods. She even slept for almost 5 hours straight during the night. I'm hoping that this is the start of turning over a new leaf for her. It would be nice to be able to put her down every once in a while and not have to nurse her or hold her while she's sleeping all day long... (In fact right now she is asleep and I am not holding her!!)