Saturday, January 9, 2010

A New Perspective

After toying with the idea for a while and talking to many people who have done it themselves, and then finally going in to see if he would make a good candidate, DH is officially glasses free right now! He went in to see an eye surgeon last October for an initial exam and then made an appointment to have Lasik surgery done just after the new year. I drove him in for his appointment on Thursday morning and about 2 hours later he was through. The procedure was pain free and I was able to watch every step of the way (they even recorded it onto DVD for us to take home with us). Because of a pretty severe astigmatism in his left eye there is a chance that he might have to go back in to have that eye worked on again, but as of his follow-up appointment Friday morning he had 20/20 vision in his right eye and 20/30 vision in his left eye. His vision will still continue to fluctuate over the next several weeks as they heal, but as of right now he can see much better than he has been able to in years!

There are 3 types of eye drops that we have to religiously put in his eyes as they are healing and he has to wear plastic shields taped to his face to protect his eyes at night for the next week. He also is not supposed to rub his eyes at all for the next couple of months and has to be careful, especially in the shower, to not get anything in them. DH's right eye has a red spot in it where one of his blood vessels broke from the suction that is done in the first part of the Lasik procedure, but it is a fairly normal side effect that will disappear in a week or two.

Right now DH is still getting used to going places without wearing glasses - after all they have been his constant companion since he was in high school! He is also having a hard time trying to put the eye drops in himself (due to some long and thick eyelashes) and he is paranoid about damaging his eyes by accidentally rubbing them (and who doesn't touch their eyes multiple times during the day without even realizing it!!).

Here is a picture of all of DH's glasses that he has gone through over the years. The kids have a lot of fun looking at the different glasses and trying them on. I'll take some pictures of them next time. At DH's next visit to the eye surgeon he will probably donate them all since he will never use any of them again.


Vonae said...

Wow! Congrats. I've been wanting to get that done for years. You'll have to let me know how all of it goes. Enjoy being glasses free.