Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mirror Lake

Saturday, June 16

On Saturday we decided to take a drive to the Uintah Mountains and visit Mirror Lake.  We also took a picnic lunch with us.  The weather was beautiful (in fact a little on the cool side) and this was the first time we have been there where the parking lot wasn't super packed!  We brought out our lunch when we first got there and found a picnic table to sit at.  As soon as we started to get out the lunches we noticed mosquitos everywhere.  Unfortunately I didn't think we would be having a problem with mosquitos during the middle of the day so I hadn't brought any insect repellant with us.  Well, Blondie was mentioning that she thought she had seen some in the back pocket of one of the front seats a few days ago so I trekked back to the car to investigate.  And wouldn't you know it but Blondie was right!  I hurried back with the repellant and after everyone was sprayed with it the mosquitos thankfully left us alone!

After our lunch we walked the path around the lake.  It's a fairly easy walk so the kids did great and we even found a little bit of snow off the side of the path for Tan's family to play in for a few minutes.  Once we made it back to the cars we started the drive back for home - and stopped a couple of times to take some pictures.  We also took a quick stop at the Provo River waterfalls.  Our drive out of the  mountains got delayed for a time because of a motorcycle accident - an older couple on a motorcycle had hit a car coming the opposite direction head on and both people on the motorcycle died.

By the time we made it close to home it was dinner time so we stopped at In-N-Out Burger for dinner.

MJ did not want to leave the river to get back in the car.
Jordanelle Reservoir