Tuesday, April 2, 2013

RootsTech 2013

Thursday, March 21

Back in October, DH sent me some info about the RootsTech genealogy conference being held in March of 2013.  Through his work I was able to get a discount on the conference fee and decided to try attending the Thursday (opening) day of the conference.  This is a genealogy conference put on each year by the church and it used to be just technology related, but this year they wanted to expand it to have more classes available to anyone that wanted to attend.  The conference used to be put on in conjunction with BYU and they have condensed that part of into just one day, Friday.  It is a 3 day conference but with my kids and my parents' schedules I thought that Thursday would be the best day for me to go.  So my mom came over in the morning to watch the girls and DH and I took Trax downtown and spent the day at the conference.  We purposely attended different classes to get the most out of the day but we were together for the opening keynote speakers and then walked to City Creek Center for lunch.  It was a fun day and I am definitely looking forward to possibly attending more things like this in the future as my younger kids are getting older.