Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Three more down for the count...

Last night was quite the adventure in our house.  Kitty wasn't feeling well all day and just laid around not doing much or eating much.  In the afternoon she went to bed and fell asleep.  I needed to change her bed after she woke up and just when I had the new sheets on and she climbed back into bed, she proceeded to throw up all over herself and the bed and also got some on the floor and Kay's bed on the bottom bunk (as well as some toys that were on the floor).  She ended up taking a shower while I changed everything once again...  She had to wait until the mattress cover was clean again before I would let her go back to bed.

Luke spent the afternoon at a friend's house and when he got home he started not feeling too well.  He didn't eat much for dinner and had the chills.

Around 1:30 in the morning, Kay came into my room and told me that she had thrown up in her bed.  It was all over the sheets and pillow and all over herself and in her hair.  I had to strip her bed and then give her a quick bath to get her cleaned up.  When I got her tucked back into bed with a bowl this time, I took all of Kay's bedding and clothes downstairs to start yet another load of wash...

I then woke up around 5:30 and went and checked on the kids and switched the laundry to the dryer and started another load.  Luke woke up while I was doing that and told me that he had thrown up around 3:00.  Luckily he made it all in the toilet.

So today we don't have too much going on other than me doing some stuff on the computer and switching out some clothes for the spring season.  Hopefully the rest of us won't get anything, especially M&M who goes back to school tomorrow.  The rest of the kids are off-track for the next 3 weeks.  Although Luke was complaining that he always seems to get sick while they are off-track!

I'm not sure if this sickness is a continuation of MJ's sick spell last week or if it something new.  Hopefully she won't get something again though!  The older kids are much easier to deal with when they are sick...  At least we made it through the Easter holiday with no sick people!  (I will post pictures of the Easter dresses soon.)

Hopefully my washer and dryer can take a break here shortly!  They have been working over-time the last week.

DH debated staying home today to help out but I told him I could handle it and he would probably be better off at work away from all the sick kids.

Sick kids, piles of laundry (mostly bedding) and bowls for sick kids.