Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sick MJ

Last Wednesday, MJ woke up around 5:30 in the morning calling for me.  I went into her room and picked her up and brought her into bed with me.  She went back to sleep for a little bit and then I woke up to the sound of her dry heaving a little - not a pleasant way to wake up...  Nothing really came up and then she was hungry and wanted to eat some breakfast.  She didn't eat too much and then when I went upstairs to take a shower she was complaining that she was tired.  I told her she could lay down if she wanted - not really thinking that she would do that though.  After I got out of the shower I went into MJ's room to put something away and found her sound asleep on her bed.  I then spent the next hour or so helping Kay clean her room and then MJ stumbled into the room.  At first she just wanted me to hold her but then she got down and started playing a little while I continued to clean.  After a little bit she burped a few times and said, "Mom, I'm burping."  That was a sign to me that I quickly needed to get a bowl for her so I ran downstairs and by the time I came back up she was in the process of throwing up all of her breakfast.  She was pretty miserable the whole day and just wanted me to hold her.  She threw up a few times throughout the day and had some diarrhea as well.  She went through several changes of clothes and I hardly got anything done at all - which was unfortunate because I was in the middle of finishing up all of the Easter dresses for the girls!

MJ had a slight fever on Thursday and didn't have much of an appetite so we encouraged her to drink water whenever she would.  I ended up canceling a soccer practice that I was supposed to be holding that evening.

When MJ woke up on Friday she actually had a smile on her face for the first time in a few days.  It was nice to see her getting back to her normal self!

Her sickness has really thrown off her sleep schedule though and she was up until around 2 a.m. on Friday and 1 a.m. on Saturday because she has been taking naps at odd times.  She is also a very whiny kid when she is sick and it has definitely tired me out.  And unfortunately she will very rarely allow anyone other than me to hold her or comfort her or do anything for her...

(I have a picture of her that I wanted to upload with this blog post but I unfortunately left my camera at my parents' house so I will upload it later when I get it back.)