Monday, August 12, 2013

Kid talk

On our drive back home from visiting the state of Washington.
Luke: Are we in Idaho yet?
Me & DH:  No
Kay: Are we in America?

At lunchtime one day I had put some of my lunch down at one place at the table and then went to get something for one of the girls.  DH then sat down right next to my place and proceeded to spread out the newspaper so that I couldn't very easily sit there anymore.  When he noticed what he had done, this conversation took place.
DH:  Oops, I just kicked Mommy out of her chair.
Kay:  Did you just kick your wife?
MJ:  No, she kicked mommy.

DH was picking up a toy off of the floor and tossed it at MJ.
MJ:  Hey, you just hit me with that!
DH: Yes, I did.
MJ:  That wasn't very nice!

After our vacation I went out to the garden and saw that I finally had some ripe tomatoes.  MJ had followed me out there and said, "Holy mackerel! That's a huge tomato!"

When MJ and I got in the car to go somewhere.
MJ:  Hey Mom, could you please not buckle me?  I want to buckle me myself.

MJ:  Look, I have a cell phone in my pocket too!  (MJ had put a toy cell phone in her pocket and she was so proud of it!)