Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Activity Days Pinewood Derby

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our ward did a Pinewood Derby this year for the Activity Day Girls.  DH had the girls come up with a design for their car and then he helped them with creating it.  Kitty wasn't terribly excited about it in the beginning because it was on her birthday, but she ended up having a blast because her car did awesome and got second place overall for speed.  Blondie's car didn't do so hot but it was funny to watch because it had a bit of a "fish tail" movement to it which fit with the whale design.  Her car looked great and she was pleased with how cool it looked.

See how excited Kitty is?!?
Blondie's car bringing up the rear!!
The orange car is Kitty's.  I think the yellow car is the only one that she lost to.
Kitty finally enjoying herself!