Sunday, January 21, 2007

Flute performances

Today I had my performance on the flute at our neighbor's house. It was fun and I made it through the songs just fine. It's been a long time since I've played a showy piece like I did tonight. Now that I know this will be an annual event, I can already start planning for next year. Plus my mom will most likely be out here next year so she can accompany me (plus she has a lot of the accompaniment parts to my flute solos).

I also played for our ward choir during Sacrament Meeting today. We had ward conference and the Stake President took the initiative to ask what my name was during the musical number and thanked me by name for playing when he got up to speak. DH thinks that I may be in trouble now that the Stake President has heard me play and has learned my name...


Mom and Dad said...

You played piano or organ or flute?

Steph said...

I played the flute for one of the numbers the choir sang.

Cherylyn said...

I think you are in trouble too!! Stake music chairman here you come.

Vonae said...

Good job using your talents. What a good example you are to your kids and the rest of us. Thanks for sharing!