Saturday, January 27, 2007

Scripture Power

For those of you not familiar with the primary song "Scripture Power", click on the image on the left.

Our primary has been singing "Scripture Power" during singing time recently at church. Blondie, being a new Sunbeam, has been trying to learn the words to the song. She has been singing it off and on lately: "Scripture Power, keeps me safe from safe," which is not correct obviously, so I was trying to teach her the correct words: "Scripture power, keeps me safe from sin."

After trying to correct her several times I heard her sing: "Scripture power, keeps me safe from cinnamon."

I guess when you don't know a word it makes more sense to you to insert a word that you are familiar with.


Cherylyn said...

I love Scripture Power. I wish they had it when I was in primary, but now I get the joy of teaching my own kids!