Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick-or-Treating 2009

We were a little bit worried about what the weather would be like for trick-or-treating when we had snow and very cold weather at the beginning of the week that stuck around for a few days. Luckily though it warmed back up on Friday and Saturday was just about perfect for the trick-or-treaters!!

I started out taking the kids around so that Baby K could get in on some of the action. The problem with that was that she wanted to walk the whole way and she is not very fast with those short little legs of hers! So we ended up just going around the block and then we headed back home. Baby K was just starting to figure out the whole go up to houses and get candy thing when we got back to our house. Once we got there I stayed home with Baby K while DH took the other kids around more of the neighborhood. DH got a kick out of Kitty because she was apparently running from house to house and laughing whenever she got candy because she was so excited and having so much fun! I think the kids got more candy than they have before and I don't think there were any whiners in the group this year!

Baby K pigging out on candy while her siblings were gone...
Caught with her hand in the candy bowl!
Checking out the loot!!
How do I look?
I absolutely LOVE this pumpkin costume that I made for Luke's first Halloween - and each of the kids have worn it since him. I love that it is easy to get on and off, it is nice and warm and easy to move in, it is easy to wear lots of layers underneath if needed, and it is gender neutral!! I also love that it still looks like I just made it yesterday - instead of the fact that it is 8 years old and gone through 4 kids now. Plus it is really cute too!!
Trying to get a picture of the costume with the hat on, but Baby K didn't want anything to do with it!!