Friday, May 21, 2010

Garden update - 5/20/10

After a couple of days of rain I was finally about to get out and plant a few more things in the garden yesterday. I was able to plant the rest of the potatoes and the cucumbers. I pulled some more weeds and got the rest of the garden ready so I can hopefully plant some more later on today. We are excited because we finally have a very large strawberry that is almost ripe on one of the strawberry plants that we planted last year - and there are several smaller ones that are growing as well. I made sure to put some netting on the plants a couple of days ago because I don't want the birds getting to them before we do!

I also bought a peach tree yesterday for DH to plant. It is an Early Elberta tree which we read good reviews on - and DH remembers his grandfather having them in his fruit orchard. Hopefully we will get some peaches from it before we move from this house...

My parents bought some peaches last year from a local Farmer's Market that I helped them can. I waited a while before finally opening one and trying them and my family absolutely loves them. They are some of the sweetest canned peaches that I have ever tasted. So we have definitely been craving peaches lately which is why we decided to plant our own tree. Hopefully in the fall I will get the chance to can some more peaches - and probably double what we did this year if I can manage.