Saturday, May 22, 2010

Updates - 5/22/10

Yesterday I was able to plant some corn and watermelon before it started to rain (again). Last night it POURED most of the night so hopefully that helped the garden instead of hurt it. I was a little afraid of what the weather would be like for the soccer games today, but it was mostly sunny skies - a little on the chilly side for the spectators, but perfect temperature for the players. M&M's field was pretty wet with a few puddles here and there on it, but Luke's field was relatively dry. Both of the games had pretty evenly matched teams and they were exciting to watch - and both came off with wins today (Luke 4-2, M&M 2-1). Luke's team (which I am coaching) is still undefeated; M&M's team lost their first game last week, 0-1. It has been a fun season - only one game left to go!

DH got our peach tree planted today. Hopefully it will do well and grow quickly. It was way too wet in the garden to do any more planting today so the beans, onions and carrots will have to wait another couple of days. Amazingly we have some onions and carrots that survived from last year so I'm not in a huge rush to plant more right now.

I have been craving a lot of different foods today - fruit, hamburgers, and now homemade ice cream. Luckily I have had everything I needed to satisfy the cravings - we are about to try some homemade chocolate mint ice cream here in a few minutes.
