Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Well, today I am officially 3/4 of the way done with my pregnancy, but unfortunately I have probably the hardest and most uncomfortable part ahead of me (not to mention the hottest since we are getting closer to summer now). The biggest difference with this pregnancy over my others is that I am just so tired all of the time. If I could, I would just lay in bed all day reading and/or sleeping and not do anything else. Unfortunately, that is not such a great thing to do when I have a husband and 5 other kids and a house to look after.

My feet and ankles are definitely noticing the extra pregnancy weight and not liking it at times. Last month when we went to the zoo and then I had to rush to clean my house in 2 hours the next morning and then had soccer games and Kitty's birthday the day after that, my feet/ankles were in so much pain for about a week after that. I felt like I had sprained and bruised both of my feet/ankles - it especially hurt to walk down the stairs (which is impossible to avoid in our house).

My feet/ankles are also not starting to like the warmer weather. Our church building is always super hot inside and I can just feel my feet expanding while I'm just sitting there for 3 hours through classes and Sacrament Meeting - not fun!!

There are times when I feel like this pregnancy is flying by and other times when it seems like it is crawling. And then there are times when I feel absolutely huge and other times when I think I look pretty small - especially for this being my 6th pregnancy. I finally broke down recently and updated some of my pregnancy wardrobe. So many of my pregnancy clothes are just plain out-of-date and frumpy looking, plus I wanted some more springy items to wear since my last couple of pregnancies were done by the middle of April. I have actually found some really comfortable maternity clothes this pregnancy and I love wearing them. I would definitely recommend pants and capris from Kohl's, T-shirts from J.C. Penney's, and skirts and shirts from Motherhood. Luckily I had some gift cards from each of these stores so I haven't actually had to spend much of our own money on the items. At the same time I have found some really ugly "new" maternity styles that I just can't imagine looking good or fitting well on any pregnant women - that would be just about any shirts from Kohl's and most of the jeans/capris at J.C. Penney's. I also wish it wasn't so hard to find some cute maternity skirts and dresses. Most stores hardly carry anything in skirts and dresses and those that do usually only have black or dark gray colors. Thankfully I found a couple of really cute skirts from Motherhood that are super comfortable - I just wish they weren't quite so expensive... I have found a couple of tutorials online about making maternity skirts, but so far I just haven't found the time to get to the fabric store to pick out some fabric and try making some.


Vonae said...

I'm so sorry that you feel so tired. I know how that feels and it sucks!!! It is fun to get new clothes especially when you are towards the end and you feel like your wearing the same clothes all the time. Good luck with the last little bit and try to stay off of your feet! :)