Monday, April 4, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new!

We decided to try and sell our old couch for a really low price on the online classified ads, but had no takers so we finally listed it in the free section. Unfortunately I had several people call and express interest but then once they started asking questions, it turned out that they were looking for something nicer. I actually had one person call and ask if she could come and look at it. So she drove 20 minutes to get to my house and drove over in a car that she couldn't transport it in and said she would have to see if she could get a truck to borrow. She called back later and said that she couldn't get a truck that day (I don't think she was really interested after seeing i)t. We have owned this couch for over 12 years and it has definitely taken a beating from our kids. I listed all of the problems with it in the classified ad and we were listing it for free so I was frankly surprised with how many people called hoping it would be something that it was not. Finally at the end of the third day that we had it listed someone called up and came and took it away. I was quite surprised at how difficult it would be to give away a couch... (We are currently keeping the matching love seat and it is in our bedroom right now for a little sitting area.