Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kindergarten Program

Thursday, May 26, 2011
The school had their end of the year Kindergarten program on May 26th this year. It is something that I never seem to look forward to because there are soooo many people that go and just care about seeing their kindergartner. I wish they would break the group up into smaller groups instead of doing all of the classes at once. I think it would make the experience a little more enjoyable for everyone.

Kitty was our first kindergartner to get a speaking part in the program. She just had one line and it was towards the beginning of the program, but she did great on it. Thankfully DH was able to come and he stood in the back and recorded parts of the program while I tried to contain and entertain MJ and Kay. Kitty was also my first afternoon kindergartner so the rehearsals for the end of the year program made our schedule a little more hectic. The practices that they do for the program during the week of the program were in the morning so Kitty had a full week where she rode the bus with the older kids to school in the morning and then I had to remember to pick her up around lunchtime. She also had to go in the morning for field day, the zoo field trip and the school performance.

This year there were 6 kindergarten classes in the program. In the picture above you can see Kitty on the left wearing a turquoise shirt (you may have to click on the picture to see a bigger version of it). Also if you look closely in the picture you may notice an empty section on the upper left of the risers. Apparently towards the end of the program one of the kids that was sitting on the back row got sick and threw up! I didn't see it happen but I noticed a mom walk up and pick up her son and carry him off the stage. Then all of the kids that were sitting around him starting pointing and making faces so I knew that something was up. The teachers had to move everyone that was sitting up in that area to the floor while they carried on with the program. And no, DH was not video recording at the time...