Friday, November 16, 2012

Halloween 2012

Wednesday, October 31

A couple of weeks before Halloween I got out our Halloween storage box and the kids looked through it for possible costumes this year.  At first Kay just wanted to be a ballerina or butterfly, but then she saw the unicorn costume that I made for M&M when she was in kindergarten and she wanted to be a unicorn!  The costume was a little big for her but still looked cute and she loved putting it on!  We tried getting MJ into some of the different costumes that would fit her, but she only wanted to wear the pumpkin costume that she wore last year.  I was fine with that because it is a really cute costume and easy to put on and take off.  Kitty really liked an Ariel costume that I found at a local thrift store and Blondie wanted to wear the witch costume again.  I found a wig with reddish hair for Kitty to wear with her costume and Blondie wore a really dark brown colored wig that we had at the house.  I think older boy costumes are the hardest to come up with and Luke decided that he wanted to be a ranger this year (something similar to Aragorn from Lord of the Rings).  I found him some black pants and shirt at the thrift store and then I made him a cloak with hood out of some black fabric that I bought a couple of years ago for a different costume and ended up not using it.

In the morning my mom came over to go with us to the Halloween parade at the elementary school.  When we left for the parade, MJ was refusing to put the pumpkin costume on so I just brought it with me to see if she would put it on once we got to the school.  When we got there though she still didn't want to wear it and just wanted to sit on my lap the whole time during the parade.
Kay posing in her costume at the school parade.  Below she is trying to pose so that I can get a picture of the tail on the back of the costume.
Luke wanted to go trick-or-treating with some of his friends from the neighborhood this year so he left before we were ready for a group picture.  After he left I took the girls over to one of our neighbors who gives out hot dogs every year.  Then I took them back home to finish getting their costumes on for trick-or-treating.  Blondie wanted me to paint her face too so we did that as well.  And once again MJ did not want to put the pumpkin costume on for some reason.  So I went to the costume box and pulled out several different costumes that should fit her and she decided to wear the Tigger costume that I made for Luke when he was a little bit younger than her.  She looked really cute in the costume and I was happy to see the costume getting used again.  I made the Tigger costume for Luke and a Piglet costume for M&M ten years ago!!

We had absolutely beautiful weather for Halloween this year!  Kitty is the only one who ended up wearing a jacket because her costume didn't have any sleeves to it.  DH took the four girls trick-or-treating first and after just the first block Kay and MJ were ready to come home.  So DH stayed home with Kay and MJ while I took Kitty and Blondie out and we went trick-or-treating to most of the rest of our ward's portion of the neighborhood.  At one point DH called me on my cell phone and said that MJ had somehow managed to get chocolate all over the Tigger costume so I had to give him instructions on how to wash it.
A lot of people in the neighborhood who know us did not recognize Blondie in her costume with the wig and makeup!

 Luke got home just a few minutes before me and the girls and I quickly got a picture of him in his costume before he changed.  In his first picture he was smiling really big, but I made him do another one with a serious look on his face so he would look more the part. :)

Trying to sneak some of the candy for trick-or-treaters! :)  Do you like her change of costume?
The funniest part of the evening was after all of the kids were home and we were getting changed into pajamas and trying to get the kids ready for bed.  We still had a couple of trick-or-treaters for the evening and every time someone came to the door, all of the kids would rush up to answer it and give out our candy.  One time there was a group of three older boys at the door and when I was making my way upstairs to help out with the candy I heard Kay say, "No, you have to say trick-or-treat first."  The boys kind of laughed and said something like, "Yes, you're right," and then they each said trick-or-treat.