Monday, November 5, 2012

MJ talk

Here are some funny sayings that MJ has said recently:

  • "Wow! That's really cool mama."
  • "Hey mom, wanna see something cool?"
  • There's a song that the singer Adele sings called Rumour Has It.  One day MJ was singing in the car and I was trying to figure out what she was singing when it finally dawned on me that it was this song by Adele, but she had the words completely wrong.  For the chorus she sings, "Ooooh, Move 'er heavy.  Ooooh, Move 'er heavy."  (The words are supposed to be, "<Rumour>, Rumour has it.  <Rumour>, Rumour has it")   Here is a link to a YouTube video of the song if you want to hear it:  Adele - Rumour Has It   (I have a really hard time spelling rumor with a 'u' in it!)
  • At Kay's swimming lessons, her swim teacher had some diving toys that the kids could pick from and then she would throw them in the water and have the kids retrieve them.  Kay every lesson would pick the toy that was a princess wand.  One day I was in the big pool with MJ when Kay and her class came over with their diving sticks.  When MJ saw the princess wand she really wanted it.  I kept trying to tell MJ that Kay was with her swim teacher and we couldn't disturb her class and MJ said, "Awww, I want a teacher!"
  • "What's up shorty mama?"  (I quite often will call her shorty so I guess she thought it would be nice to call me shorty too.)
  • "Aww, you're so cute mama!"
  • One day MJ was playing with a toy bracelet when she said to me, "Where's my bracelet?"  I told her that it was on her arm and she responded with, "Ohhh...  Where's my arm?"
  • One day my dad was at the house watching MJ and Kay and MJ went over to him and sat down on the couch next to him and said, "Hi Grandma!"  My dad tried correcting her and told her that he was Grandpa, not Grandma.  She went away and came back a few minutes later and sat down next to him again and said, "Hi Grandpa!  I'm MJ."  (Now MJ has started calling my mom Grandpa too...)


Dan said...
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Dan said...

For a while Eli was referring to them as "Grandpa and Grandpa (lastname)." Pretty funny.