Monday, November 12, 2012

Marching Band Competition

Saturday, October 27

I only signed up to chaperone for the last marching band competition before their California trip because of soccer games on all of the previous Saturdays.  (I did help out at a couple of the football games during the season as well.)  This competition was called Mt. Timpanogos and was one of the closer competitions that the band was involved in.  I got to ride the school bus down with the kids and then we helped prepare and serve them dinner and then helped hand out the uniforms and hats.  After that I was able to go sit in the stands and watch the bands perform and then when it was over I had to help put away uniforms and then ride the bus back to the school.  Luckily the weather wasn't as cold as it had been earlier in the week and I had brought several layers to bundle up in in the stands.  There is so much work that goes into keeping the marching band running smoothly.  I am amazed at how much time and effort is put in by so many parents!  Unfortunately the band didn't do too hot at this competition.  We think that they were penalized because of some miscommunication on the field that resulted in the color guard going on too early...

The drum majors and color guard captains