Monday, January 27, 2014

YW Camp

July 29-Aug 2

It turned out nice that I was going up to YW camp a day late because two girls from our ward were sick with a stomach flu and weren't able to leave on Monday so they came up with me on Tuesday.  Tuesday was going to be their big hike so I wanted to make it up there in time for that.  It was about an hour and a half drive so we left around 8:00 in the morning.  Our ward went to Heber Valley Campground this year which is a beautiful church-owned YW camp located in the mountains east of Heber.  It has cabins with bunks for sleeping on and awesome pavilions for activities and eating.  Plus a lot of food prep facilities which was really nice too.  There were also flush toilets and showers which are always a plus.

So I arrived Tuesday morning (M&M's birthday) in time for the hike.  We went on the hike and then had some activities later that day.  I ended up not feeling well right around dinner time so I had to lay down for a little bit.  I'm not sure if it was some altitude sickness, dehydration or just general tiredness from the hiking and getting up early that morning.  After laying down for a bit though I felt fine and was fine the rest of my time there.

Wednesday morning we did some service for the camp area.  Some of the girls helped with some wood stacking (the priesthood leaders did the chopping) while the rest of the girls went around cleaning the cabins inside and out.  After lunch we went to an activity course that involved some games of trust and cooperation and a giant rope swing.  The girls were split up into smaller groups and rotated between the different stations.

Thursday morning we hiked down to the lake and went canoeing.  That was a lot of fun!  I left that evening after dinner so that I wouldn't get back too late.  Kay's first day of kindergarten was Friday morning and I wanted to be back in time for that.  After I left the girls had a testimony meeting and then they packed up and left Friday morning.  I'm glad that I was able to go for most of the camp.  It was neat being able to be there with M&M and the other girls and leaders from our ward!

A moose with a baby that we saw from the trail while hiking
A game of partner tag - which was incredibly slippery on the gravel.
These were some cooperation & trust activities that the girls had to work on together.
On this rope one the girls have a partner and they slowly inch their way down the rope as it gets farther apart.  Supposedly if you really trust your partner you can continue to lean on each other until you reach the other side which is very far apart.  I think that M&M and her partner got pretty close to the farthest with the ones that I saw.
M&M waiting for her turn on the rope swing.  She was not looking forward to it being her turn and I could tell as I was watching her sitting there.
M&M on the rope swing.  I wish that I had taken video of her on the swing instead of pictures.  One of the workers at the rope swing was rating the girls on their screams as they went on the swing and he gave M&M a '10' because she screamed so loud and was absolutely terrified to go on the swing!  I'm proud of her that she went through with it!  The leaders were also given a chance to go and it was a lot of fun.  A little scary because they lift you so high, but definitely an adrenaline rush when they let you go.

M&M with the two girls that she canoed with.
M&M's canoe leaving the shore.
A picture of all of the YW after we went canoeing.  One boat capsized so a couple of the girls were soaked.
One of the many deer encounters while we were there.  The deer would just wander through the camp areas anytime of day.
A picture of the camp area as I was leaving.  It was a beautiful sight from up above the evening that I left.