Monday, February 3, 2014

First Day of School - M&M

Monday, August 26

M&M's first day of high school!  I can't believe she is getting that old!  M&M has to get up even earlier this year for school - hopefully she can get to the bus stop on time every day!  Registration in the spring was a little bit stressful but I think she managed to get into all of the classes that she wanted.  The high school that she goes to does 4 classes a day and alternates classes each day.  So on A-day she has periods 1-4 and they are 1 1/2 hours each.  Then on B-day she has periods 5-8.  She has to share a locker this year but was able to find a friends to sign up with so that was good.  M&M is taking one AP class this year - World History - and then a couple of honors classes.  The one class that she is not too excited about taking is Spanish 3 - but taking it will help her qualify for some grant money for college at the end of her senior year - so she will try and survive that class!