Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Cookies

The kids had fun making & decorating
Christmas cookies this weekend!!

I just gave Kitty her own cookie and a little knife and some frosting so she could feel included. She enjoyed dipping the knife in the frosting and then licking the frosting off the knife. She never quite figured out that she could eat the cookie too.
Luke enjoyed mixing the colors. He would dip his knife into one color, put it on the cookie and then dip the knife into a second color and swirl the 2 colors around on the cookie.
Blondie definitely loved the sprinkles. More than once I had to dump a whole pile of sprinkles off of one of her cookies.


Missy White said...

Oh, how I remember doing this with our kids. Starting was great fun! Eating was great fun! Finishing was Mom's fun.