Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Found one, finally!!!

Well, after a week and a half of searching, my parents finally found a home that they liked the evening before they were scheduled to fly back to Virginia. It has been a long and tiring process. We went out house hunting almost every day they were here for a couple of hours each day. We had finally given up Monday afternoon after another few hours of searching. Both of my parents were disappointed with the thought that they would have to go back to Virginia without having found a home out here. We were in the process of trying to decide what to do next and how we would house everyone for my brother D's wedding in June. Then while my mom & I were out at the fabric store a little later, Norm (their realtor) called my mom's cell phone and said that he had one more house for my parents to look at out in Draper.

So we went back to my house and talked with my dad & looked at the house listing on the internet. We decided to give this house a shot and called Norm back to have him set up an appointment to see the house. So, I picked M&M up from gymnastics at 6 p.m. and we went straight to the house with all the kids with us (my parents had to return their rental car earlier that day and DH wasn't home yet). This was the first house that we looked at that had just about everything that my parents were looking for in a home. There were two others houses that my parents kind of liked but one was on the corner of a busy road and the other had a layout that wouldn't really accommodate their piano and china hutch and still have seating room for company.

It's a beautiful house in a beautiful location with a very nice yard. The rooms are all good size and really the only thing they will have to do when they move to it will be to put in a fence for Molly.

So Norm went home to write up the contract and we went back to my house to eat dinner and get the kids to bed (we didn't get back to my house until about 8 p.m.). Norm came over a little after 9 and didn't leave until around 11!!

We will find out later this evening if the owners accept the contract or not. Apparently they are a little anxious because they had the home on the market in the fall and a contract fell through and it was in the listings just before my parents came out and another offer fell through so it was just put back on the market again while my parents were here and listed at a lower price!


Anonymous said...

The home looks lovely!