Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My parents' visit

My parents flew out here on Friday, March 9th to look for a new home. They are ready to really retire this time and have decided to call Utah home again. They were both born and raised in Salt Lake City and still have a lot of family here. We had about 10 days to find a home. Luckily the weather was beautiful the whole time they were here. Ranging from highs in the 60s to 70s.

Here is an overview of how our time was spent while they were here:

Friday, March 9
-Pick up my parents at the airport around 4 p.m.
-Eat dinner & go to bed.

Saturday, March 10
-My parents & I spend the morning & afternoon looking at houses.
-Work on M&M's church talk and school presentation.
-Bathe the kids.

Sunday, March 11
-M&M gives a talk in primary.
-I teach YW.
-Eat dinner.
-I go to Stake Women's Choir practice.

Monday, March 12
-Go grocery shopping.
-Go to school and watch M&M give her presentation on Peacocks.
-Pick up Luke from school and go home to eat lunch.
-Pick up rental car for my parents who then drive around looking at houses.
-Drive M&M & 2 friends to gymnastics.
-Eat dinner and go for a walk.

Tuesday, March 13
-My parents watch Blondie & Kitty while I help out at school in Luke's class.
-Do laundry all day.
-DH works from home in the morning and then goes to a welfare assignment at Welfare Square in the afternoon.
-Go to see a couple of houses with my parents and then have to hurry home so DH can leave.
-My parents go to lunch with my mom's brothers & their wives.
-Play outside with the kids.
-My mom & I go to Enrichment R.S. birthday dinner.
-DH & my dad take the kids to the park.

Wednesday, March 14
-DH attends the 6:40 a.m. session at the temple for our Stake Temple day.
-Spend the morning look at more houses.
-Have to hurry home to be there in time for Luke to get off the kindergarten bus.
-My parents stay out with Norm looking at more houses.
-Do a few more loads of laundry.
-My mom & I go to Sears to do some clothes shopping for my birthday. Don't find anything I like.
-Attend the 6:40 p.m. session at the temple with my parents.

Thursday, March 15
-DH leaves early in the morning to drive down to Provo for a Family History Technology Conference at BYU. DH was on the committee for the conference this year and was asked to be the chair for it next year.
-Finally get all the laundry put away!
-Go out looking at houses after Luke gets home from school.
-My parents drive down to Provo to have dinner with the Williamsons who used to live in Virginia.
-M&M goes to Activity Days activity.
-Find out the postman tried to deliver a package (from my in-laws) but since we weren't there, I now have to pick it up at the post office!

Friday, March 16
-My birthday! I got a new vacuum with which I had to then vacuum the whole house to get ready for my brother & his fiance to visit for the weekend.
-Look at more houses after Luke gets home from school.
-Have to hurry home to be there in time for M&M to get home from school (early closing on Friday).
-Go to Kohl's with my mom to do some clothes shopping for my birthday. Find 2 nice skirts and tops to go with them.
-Get beds ready for D & K to stay with us.
-Go to dinner at a restaurant called Archibald's. It is located at Gardner Village. Amazingly the kids were very good. There was no complaining (except that they were hungry and couldn't understand why it took so long to get their food). There were no big spills or messes made. It was actually somewhat enjoyable.
-Go home and meet D & K at the house.
-Open a few birthday presents.
-Have birthday cake.

Saturday, March 17
-DH goes on his first bike ride of the season.
-My mom & I cut out the fabric for a dress for Blondie.
-Go with my parents to look at one house and drive by another.
-My parents & D & K drive to Woods Cross to have lunch with my dad's sister and her daughter.
-Cook dinner. DH decides just as dinner is almost ready that the weather is perfect and he should change the oil in his car.
-The rest of us eat dinner.
-DH eats a couple of bites and then we have to leave for the adult session of stake conference.
-My parents take the kids to the park.

Sunday, March 18
-DH attends the priesthood leadership meeting from 7-8:30 a.m.
-I bathe the kids and get them dressed and hair done for stake conference.
-My dad drops me off early at the stake center for some last minute practicing for the stake women's choir.
-My parents & DH & the kids arrive at stake conference. I got to sit up on the stand the whole time with the choir while my parents & DH got to deal with the kids. Apparently everyone was very well behaved. Kitty sat on my mom's lap most of the time and played some with the lady sitting behind them. DH said that after the rest hymn was over in the middle of conference, Kitty turned to the people behind her and announced, "It's over!!" D & K stay home because K was sick & throwing up Saturday night.
-Go home and eat dinner.
-D & K leave to drive back up to Rexburg.
-Spend time outside with the kids on our swingset.
-Go for a walk.

Monday, March 19
-My parents go to the store & I go to the post office finally to get my package.
-Drop off the rental car.
-Look at one house.
-Rush home to pick up Luke.
-Visit a few more houses.
-Decide 'no' on a house we looked at a few times in Riverton and another one in Draper.
-Pick up lunch at Wendy's (around 2:30).
-My Mom & I go to the fabric store to buy some more fabric for dresses for the girls for D and K's wedding.
-Get a call from Norm while we're there telling us about another house in Draper.
-Stop at the grocery store on the way home.
-Pick up M&M at gymnastics and drive to the house in Draper.
-Decide that this might be the one.
-Go home to eat dinner & Norm goes home to write up the contract for my parents.
-Call DH on the way home to put some frozen pizzas in the oven.
-Arrive home & eat dinner around 8.
-Finally open the package from the in-laws - Thanks!!
-Get the kids in bed.
-Norm arrives around 9 and leaves around 11.
-My parents pack & we all go to bed.

Tuesday, March 20
-See the kids off to the bus stop at 8 a.m. and then leave for the airport.

So, are you tired yet? I know I am! The rest of today I get to spend doing a LOT of laundry and getting the house back in order!


Cherylyn said...

Wow, I got tired just reading everything that you have done!! Glad that everything seemed to work out in the end. Hopefully you have had a chance to finally take a breath!