Monday, March 26, 2007

Janelle's farewell

Yesterday we drove up to Perry to hear Janelle give her farewell talk. She gave a good talk, but unfortunately she didn't have a lot of time to speak. They had 2 youth speakers before her which each surprisingly gave fairly long talks. She probably had only about 10-15 minutes to talk when they had told her to prepare a 30 minute talk... She had a lot of hearing impaired friends there so they had someone signing throughout the whole sacrament meeting. It was fun to watch them. Janelle seems really excited to leave for her mission and we wish her the best. She is going to the Portland, Oregon ASL mission and goes into the MTC on April 11.

Afterwards we went to Grandpa White's house for a dinner after church. There were a lot of people there and we got to see Chris & Brett's new son, Clarence, and Garrett & Danielle's new baby.

Aunt Deb cutting Janelle's cake with Clarence & Addie watching.

And in case you are interested, here are some more of my spring bulbs blooming: