Saturday, December 8, 2007

Week after Thanksgiving in Review

Monday morning M&M & Luke had to go back to school bright and early. I was signed up to help in Luke's class that morning so I went and took Blondie & Kitty with me. Put up and decorated the Christmas tree for Family Home Evening. Kitty threw up in her bed before I went to bed so I ended up sleeping on the couch with her all night and she threw up off and on all night. She kept asking for a drink of milk and then a couple of minutes after drinking some she would throw it all up. I think she went through about 4 pairs of pajamas that night.

Tuesday morning Blondie had ballet class. Kitty appeared to be feeling a little better so I just took her in her pajamas and she sat outside in the lobby area with me. Stopped by the post office afterwards to pick up our mail that was held while we were gone for Thanksgiving (I still can't figure out while they won't deliver it to my house like I indicate on my hold mail request). Thankfully Kitty didn't throw up at all that day and was finally able to eat some food - and thankfully no one else in the family got sick (I'm not sure how that happened - maybe it was something she ate). Did laundry pretty much all day. I had to pick M&M up from choir after school and then she had tumbling in the evening. I then had to pick my parents up at the airport at around 10:30 pm. They went to visit my sister in Michigan for Thanksgiving. We had had some snow/rain earlier in the day and the temperature was very cold so I had to drive a little slower than usual (I got home around 12:30).

Wednesday morning I had an appointment with my midwife and we were able to schedule an ultrasound for the following afternoon. We were having some snowfall when I left my house but as soon as I got over the point of the mountain it was clear sunny skies and no snow on the ground anywhere (weird). We stopped and picked up some groceries on the way home. I watched a neighbor girl for a few hours after school. I had a rehearsal for the city choir Christmas program that evening - got home around 10.

Thursday morning Blondie & Kitty & I went to the Festival of Trees to hear M&M's choir sing. Picked the kids up from school and then hurried over to the hospital for my ultrasound. DH met us there on his way home from work. We then rushed home and I ate a quick dinner (I had started a crockpot stew that morning) and then had to rush off to a dress rehearsal for the choir Christmas program. I left around 5:30 and got home around 11.

Friday morning my visiting teachers came over. M&M had choir practice again after school and then she had Activity Days (they went to the Festival of Trees). The rest of the kids & I finished putting up the Christmas & winter decorations.

Saturday morning we woke up to quite a bit of snow and the ground and it continued to fall into the early afternoon. DH took Blondie to a ballet rehearsal and had to get the car pushed out of the parking lot afterwards (they hadn't cleared any of it). The kids had a blast playing in the snow . That evening I had to leave around 5 pm for the Christmas performance later on. I only played in 3 of the choir's numbers, but I had a lot of fun practicing and performing for the Sounds of the Season. I played the piccolo & flute on two of the numbers and then just the flute on the third song (I wrote a second flute part for it since there were two of us). I had a lot of fun playing with the choir - I really miss participating in musical things like this. Hopefully I will be asked to participate again next year. DH brought the kids for the performance (but he said that they were not very well behaved)... I had told my parents about the choir and they ended up joining it as well as one of my uncles. I would have loved to have sung with the choir as well but they practiced every week on our YW activity night. So if I'm not involved with YW next year I will hopefully be singing in the concert too.

After we got home from the concert Kitty started singing, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah" - the choir's last number had been the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Messiah - so I know that she at least listened to part of the concert... Now whenever we hear a choir Christmas number on the radio Kitty asks if my choir sang it.


vnielson said...

Gee Steph-
It sounds like you have been very busy! I wish that we could have been there to see you play in the concert. We keep getting snow and then it will melt we are getting more this weekend I hope that it will add up and we'll have a lot to play in for Christmas. I'm also glad to hear that Laura was the only one that got sick and that it was only for one day.

Heath said...

No wonder I never see my wife. She's never home when I am....