Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

My parents were able to come over and bring in the new year with us. The kids had fun playing games - the problem was keeping them all involved in a game since there is a wide range of ages. We ended up setting up a second table and having 2-3 games going at once. At one point I was playing two different games at the same time.

I tried to get Blondie & Kitty to bed before midnight but Blondie was in tears because she couldn't understand why she had to go to bed and M&M & Luke were allowed to stay up and play more games. She was also upset that she hadn't had a chance yet to play a game with Grandma S. So I brought Blondie back downstairs and when my mom heard that Blondie wanted to play a game with her, she took her to the other table and played one. After the game was over Blondie announced that she was tired and went upstairs to bed on her own. :) Kitty on the other hand didn't want to have anything to do with bed and ended up falling asleep in DH's arms about 10 minutes before midnight...

On New Year's Day we went over to my parents' house for a ham dinner with my parents & sister M & her boyfriend R. We also played a few games while we were there. I grew up in a family that played games all the time and it's starting to get fun now in our family since the kids are getting old enough to play more advanced games (it gets a little mundane having to play Candyland or Chutes & Ladders all the time). It was fun this New Years Eve to teach the kids a few new games and to take the time to sit and play with them. When I am caught up in the busyness of everyday life I don't take the time as much as I should to play games with my kids.