Monday, January 21, 2008

Back in Primary again

Once again I have been given a new calling in our ward. It seems like the organizations keep fighting over me - my longest calling to date is just over 1 1/2 years. This is my 4th calling in the 4 1/2 years we've lived in the ward. I am now the new primary pianist. I was called in to meet with a member of the bishopric the second Sunday in December. He extended the new calling to me and said that I would be released from YW and sustained to the new calling on the last Sunday of December. Well, the last Sunday in December came and the change didn't take place. I waited until the next Sunday and they still didn't make the change. It wasn't until the week we were in Florida that they finally made the change (I had to ask someone though). It was kind of hard serving in my YW calling during that time because I wasn't sure what was going on and when I would actually be released. It makes it hard to attend planning meetings about upcoming activities when you're not sure if you'll be attending the activity or not and you aren't supposed to say anything to anyone about the upcoming release.

Yesterday I had my first week in the calling and it was interesting. It didn't help that the chorister was out of town so we had someone filling in for her who didn't quite know what was going on either. I think I will enjoy the calling though and it will be nice to have my Wednesday evenings back again. The only difficulty will be when I have our new baby and DH will have to take the baby for the first 2 hours of church...

I enjoyed working with the YW but it is a pretty time consuming calling and the last couple of months I have felt like a change would be coming soon for me. (Now we just need a new calling for DH - he has served in the Elder's Quorum presidency since we moved into the ward...)