Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween 2008

We've had a lot happen over the past week and a half so bear with me as I try to catch up.

Halloween was kind of crazy this year. Since my kids were going to be out of school for Halloween, Luke and Blondie's classes had Halloween/costume parties almost 2 1/2 weeks before Halloween. Luke's I only found out about the day before the event so he just wore an old costume that we had around the house. Blondie wanted to be a witch so she wore M&M's costume from a few years ago.

Then our ward had a Trunk-or-Treat a week-and-a-half before Halloween so I had to get the rest of the costumes ready by then. Luckily, the only costume I made this year was M&M's. I found Luke a Transformers costume (Bumblebee) at the store, Kitty wore a Piglet costume that I made a few years ago for M&M and then Baby K wore a bunny costume that I made for Kitty when she was a baby (the hat was a little tight around her chubby cheeks, but it worked). M&M has been somewhat difficult lately to come up with costume ideas for but this year I suggested an M&M costume and she thought that would be a fun idea. We went to the fabric store and picked out some fabric and then I just made it from scratch with no patterns or anything. She decided on green and I wanted it to be warm so I bought some fleece, cut it out in the shape of a circle with a hole cut out for her head. Then I covered it with some green light cotton fabric and sewed the sides together, leaving it open at the bottom and holes on the sides for her arms. I gave M&M the task of designing the "m" for the front and cutting it out of some fusible fleece that we could iron on the front. She just used an M&M wrapper for reference and then drew the shape onto a piece of paper and then cut it out to use as a pattern. I think she did a great job! Unfortunately we were only able to make it to the very end of the trunk-or-treat because M&M had her last soccer practice that evening as well.
The week of Halloween was absolutely beautiful this year! Since the kids were off-track from school we spent the week doing some fun things. On Tuesday I took the kids to Gardner Village to get some Halloween pictures and then on Wednesday we went to the zoo. The temperatures were perfect for these activities and the zoo was practically empty.

After dinner on Wednesday we carved and painted pumpkins. Kitty and Blondie decided to get small pumpkins this year and paint them. Kitty just had fun painting her pumpkin all blue (and even got some on her pajamas). Blondie had a really cute face painted on hers and then she got carried away and painted over it. Luckily the paint on top was still wet and the face underneath was dry so I was able to save it somewhat by wiping off the top paint. M&M, Luke and I got big pumpkins and we each designed and carved our own. Luke and M&M's jack-o-lanterns turned out really cute. The only help they had from DH and me was some help with getting out some of the pumpkin innards. M&M has done her own before, but this was Luke's first time carving his own.

(left to right: M&M, me, Luke, Blondie, Kitty)

On Thursday the kids and I finished decorating our Halloween cookies.

My husband and Grandma N took the kids trick-or-treating on Friday while Grandpa N gave out candy at our house for us. I had to make a visit to the hospital to see my sister who had some surgery earlier in the day. It was by far our warmest Halloween since we have lived here in Utah and the kids went farther than they ever have while trick-or-treating. They all enjoyed themselves and didn't even need to wear jackets!