Friday, March 6, 2009

Draper Temple

With DH's parents and sister coming to town while the Draper Temple open house was going on, we decided to get tickets to it during their visit so they could go with us. So Friday afternoon, Feb. 27, after the kids came home from school we got dressed up and headed over to Draper. We had tickets for 3:20 and we got to our meeting location a few minutes early, but it was CROWDED! The tickets were pretty much pointless because no one even checked to see that we had them - so we really could have just shown up any time on any day. We went into the meetinghouse and ended up having to wait over 30 minutes to get in to a room where we watched a short video and then got loaded up onto a charter bus to transport us to the temple. I think the kids really enjoyed walking through and seeing the different rooms. Afterwards they handed out free cookies and water and then we got shuttled back to our cars. We ended up not getting home until after 6:00 so we ate a really late dinner that night. The Draper Temple has been kind of a trial run for when the Oquirrh Mountain Temple opens in a few months. We'll have to see if they change anything with how they run the open house for the Oquirrh Mountain Temple - and maybe we'll get to help out with it.