Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Baby!

Baby K is such a happy baby! It's so fun to have her around. Yesterday I was reading a book to Blondie and Kitty and Baby K had found one of her sister's water bottles. She was drinking out of it and it looked really cute so I went to get the camera to take a picture of her. Well, as soon as I got the camera out and pointed it her direction, she gave a huge grin and quit drinking out of the water bottle so she could get closer to the camera.

Baby K is starting to talk and imitate what we say - it's really cute. She says "hi" now and waves her hand at the same time. I will try and get some video of it to put on my blog. Whenever I pick up the phone she says "hi". Baby K also will say "Uh oh" and "Dada" and "Mama" - although we're not sure if she associates those words with me and her dad yet. Usually she wanders around the house saying, "Mama, mama" when she is tired or upset and looking for me. Baby K loves to cuddle with me and as soon as I pick her up her left thumb goes into her mouth - and she still holds her hand funny when she's sucking her thumb. Sometimes she tries to twirl her hair with her right hand while she is sucking her thumb but she doesn't have quite enough hair yet to do that successfully. She is a super fast crawler now but still hasn't figured out how to go up or down the stairs. She has also started pointing at things which is really cute to see her do with her little tiny pointer finger.

Here are some cute pictures I got of her yesterday, plus I finally got some of her teeth - her second one is finally coming in on the bottom.

I can't believe she's going to turn one in just a couple of weeks!!
Love those beautiful blue eyes!!