Sunday, March 8, 2009

Luke's birthday party...

This year was Luke's year to have a friend birthday party and he has been looking forward to it for a long time (we only let the kids have a friend party every other year - on even birthdays). The problem this year was picking a day for the party. I really wanted to have it the weekend of his birthday but with our California trip taking place the week after that we were in the middle of making plans for that and didn't have time to organize a party. Then once we got back in town and recovered from our trip it was getting close to his baptism when family was going to be coming into town and staying with us. So finally yesterday (a month after his birthday) we took the time to throw a birthday party for him. We originally were going to have it on Friday afternoon but since I had to drive my parents to the airport that day we decided to have it on Saturday instead.

Luke invited 9 friends to his party and wanted it to have a Bakugan theme. Unfortunately with our unexpected search for a car this past week we didn't have a lot of time to plan the party. What we ended up doing was making some bingo cards with the different Bakugan characters on them and we wrapped individual Bakugan pieces to hide for the boys to find and unwrap and keep. I also made a half ball cake with Bakugan markings on it and a couple of figurines.

We ended up having 7 boys come and it was a complete mad house. All I can say is that boy parties are much different than girl parties. It's a good thing that the weather was pretty nice outside so that we could send them out to play for a while - until they started hurting each other. I think that if we were to do it again I wouldn't let Luke invite as many friends or we would go to an indoor play facility with bouncy houses and slides. Everything turned out fine but it was hard pleasing all of Luke's friends all of the time and keeping them all entertained. I think that girls are much easier because you can sit them down and do fun craft things with them and not have to worry about them killing each other or trying to outdo one another. Anyways, I'm glad that we were able to have the party finally for Luke and I'm also glad that it's over with!