Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And the trouble begins...

Up to this point, Baby K has shown absolutely no interest in climbing things. Even if I am right at the top of the stairs and she really wants me and she can climb them, she would rather just sit at the bottom and cry for me. When my husband goes over to her to help encourage her up the stairs she acts like we are torturing her and cries the whole way up (and the staircases in our house are only 7 steps each). Well, yesterday I think she realized that she can really do it. She climbed the stairs for the first time without someone right next to her prodding her the whole way and then once when I was sitting at the computer she managed to climb on a file storage box that was right next to me (with some help from a blanket that was on the floor next to it).

Then this morning I was upstairs getting some dirty clothes out of the hamper in the hallway and unbeknownst to me she started climbing up the stairs and made it the whole way up!! Now we just need to teach her how to go down without falling... :) And she is finally showing an interest in walking. She loves it when someone holds her hands and walks her around the room and she is starting to walk along the edge of the furniture. :)

Every time she heard the camera make a noise she had to turn around and look... :)