Monday, August 3, 2009

Family vacation part 2 - Beach Day 1

After we returned from Tillamook and grocery shopping, we ate dinner at the beach house and then went with the whole family down to the beach (actually I think we did marshmallow guns before the beach but I don't have any pictures of it and the days are starting to run together in my head now). The weather was somewhat cool and it had been cloudy/misty all day. We didn't dress the kids in their swimsuits because we weren't planning on being there too long. I brought a towel and some wet wipes because I knew that at least one of my kids would take a plunge in the ocean...

The water was super cold but that didn't stop the kids from getting soaking wet and having tons of fun!! And as I predicted Kitty fell in the water and got soaking wet. She wasn't too happy at first so the towel came in handy but then she went right back out with the rest of the kids again. And you can see from the pictures that all the kids got pretty soaked all the way through. Thankfully the house had a washer and dryer that we were able to use.After the beach we went back to the house and showered all of the kids and then got them to bed. We tried to start up a fire in the fireplace downstairs but the wood stored in the garage at the house was pretty damp and didn't burn too well. The floor in the basement of the house was still very wet - they didn't even give us fans or space heaters or anything to help dry it out. Thankfully there was still enough dry floor to put some of the kids on the floor. The worst part was the carpet right next to the bathroom - DH and I made sure to put on shoes before we went in there. Apparently as you can probably guess there was a blocked water pipe in the house so anytime the water was used it caused the flooding of the basement...