Monday, August 17, 2009

Nothing but trouble...

Baby K is definitely keeping me on my toes lately. Her latest favorite things to do include: throwing things away in the kitchen trash when no one is looking, climbing on the computer next to our TV so she can bang on the keyboard or the TV stand, and putting anything and everything into her mouth!

When we got home from our summer vacation I took Baby K's car seat out of the car so that I could wash the car seat cover. To take the cover off you have to disconnect all of the pieces of the harness system. It took me a while to finally wash the seat cover and when I went to put it back together I was missing 2 of the pieces for the harness system. I asked everyone in the family if they knew where the pieces were and searched the entire house when I got the sinking suspicion that Baby K may have thrown the pieces in the trash. So I got out my rubber gloves and another trash bag and proceeded to go through the kitchen trash and sure enough the pieces were at the bottom of the bag! I also found 3 stuffed animals and a toy car in the trash another day when I went to throw something away!