Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boy or Girl?

Well, for those that don't know yet, we are expecting baby #6!! I am about 20 weeks along right now and we just got the ultrasound scheduled for Thursday - 2 days from now! I told DH after Baby K was born that if we decided to have any more kids, I wanted to find out what the gender is in our 20 week ultrasound. I am done with the surprises and want to know up front if this baby is the boy that I thought that Kitty and then Baby K were going to be...

There are a couple of trends that we could end up following - our family trend of having girls or the extended family trend on my side of the family where the last three babies that have been born have been boys.

So, you have 2 days to cast your vote in my poll on the right. Let me know if you think we are having a boy or a girl. I will post the results after we find out on Thursday!!