Friday, February 5, 2010

Talking up a storm!

Baby K's vocabulary has been growing by leaps and bounds! It's so fun to hear her say little phrases and even whole sentences from time to time. Here are some of the things that she can say now:

"Pretty dress" - This was one of the first phrases that she put together herself. One Sunday about a month ago I had just finished changing her diaper and she saw herself in the mirror with her dress on and she pointed to herself and said, "Pretty dress".

"Pretty pease" - I have no idea where she learned this one or how she knows when to use it. Whenever she really wants something - like some food or to watch Sesame Street - and I don't want to let her at that moment, she looks at me and says, "Pretty pease!"

"Baka" - This is what she calls my Dad - and sometimes my Mom too. One time she used the word "baga" for Grandma but she hasn't really done that consistently.

"I don't want it!" - She says this often when her siblings are trying to give her something that she doesn't want.

Sibling names - She can say all of her sibling names - or variations of them.

Sesame Street - Baby K knows just about all of the Sesame Street characters and calls Sesame Street, "Treet".

"Oh-man" - What she calls a snowman - or just snow for that matter.

"Hi there" - Baby K says this to me when I have just gotten after her about doing something she shouldn't do. When I'm finished chastising her she will look up at me and wave and say, "Hi there!" - trying to distract me from being upset at her...

"What's that?" - This is what Baby K usually says when she knows something and wants us to ask her what it is.

"Huggies" - What Baby K says when she wants me to pick her up.

"Walk" or "hand" - When Baby K wants you to come with her somewhere, she will hold out her hand and say, "Walk" or "Hand".

"Oh no, what happened?" - What she says when something falls or breaks.

"Okay?, okay?" - She says this when she falls down.

"Cold, brrr!" - When something is cold.

"Tato Head" - The potato head toys

Counting - Sometimes when Baby K is playing she will start babbling and talking/singing to herself. Sometimes she will start counting. I have heard her get as high as six (starting at one) and the other day she was saying, "Seven, eight, nine".

"Princess" - the Disney princesses or any doll/girl wearing a pretty dress

"I don't want hot!" - This is what Baby K said last night at dinner. We set her down at the table and warned her that the dinner was hot, so she pushed her plate away saying, "I don't want hot!"